Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Trip to Skockholm
General Information about Sweden
Sweden is a one of beautiful country in Europe.
Sweden is in northern Europe and the capital is Stockholm. The Population is 9 million and in Stockholm 711,000 .The total area of Sweden is 450,000 sq. km (173,732 sq. mi).
Stockholm is a beautiful city with Lake Mälaren on its West Side and the Baltic Sea on its East Side. Sweden is a member of the European Union (EU). Sweden is called "The land of the midnight sun" or "The land of the Vikings".
Stockholm is surrounded by water and every year a water festival is held in August.
National Day: June 6.
The Swedish flag is based on the Scandinavian Cross design first adopted by Denmark about 800 years ago. The colors were taken from the Swedish coat of arms, which depicts three golden crowns on a blue background. Sweden is a monarchy. King Carl XVI Gustaf, who acceded to the throne in 1973.
Development aspect the country
The Swedish economy is heavily dependent on a highly developed and internationally successful industrial sector, which was established in the early part of the 20th century. There have been several structural reforms since Sweden became a member of the EU such as the deregulation of the telecommunications, energy and air traffic sectors.
Sweden is attracting numerous foreign investors, and Swedish companies are also large investors abroad. Sweden is the 16th largest recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI) worldwide. The main FDI business sectors are pharmaceuticals and chemicals, machinery and equipment, banking and finance, and energy.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Finally we became success
It had been long time we tried to make Bærum Red Cross active Finally we are active
After the long time. It spend lots of effort to make Bærum Red Cross youth active. We arrange many pizza meeting and many social gathering s far as I can remember; we try to find out the possibilities and needs in Bærum and finally all youth agree to work in Hvalsta asylum center . according to plan we arrange combine meeting with asylum coordinater and RC youth together and fixed outdoor and indoor activity for one year.
By this experience i came to know that it is not easy to get volunteer in Red Cross but it is very hard to keep them active for long time,
150 year Red Cross day in Oslo( seminar about Neutrality)
The program started with the warm welcome from Norwegian Red cross President Sven Mollekleiv.
The speech for today was “NEUTRALITY” there were many international renowned people in the program, who were giving speech in the topic, Red Cross had also got Novel peace prize three time in its history it was on 1917, 1944 and 1963.
First speaker of the program was MARTTI AHTISAARI, 2008 Novel prize winner..Who gave his speech on, Is Neutrality a tool in Peace negotiation?? it was very importance speech for everyone ,Peace has became really important thing all over the world .he gave some good ideas how can we act together to bring peace in the world,
There were many speakers in the program, Palestinian Red cross president Younis Al-Khatib speak about the problem in Palestine and Red Cross role in the peace making. And how much it is difficult working as a mediator in the period of war.
We heard many things about the legal premise for, and legal benefits of neutrality, which was the speech given by legal Adviser Of ICRC (Anne-Marie de la Rose)
Neutrality and the practicalities of prosecution by Head of chamber ICTR (Chile Eboe-Osuji)
Natural Band-Aid verses political solution by Jan Egeland (NUPI)
In the end of the program there was discussion about the current issue in the world. In the conclusion we came to know that “Nobody can care everybody but somebody can care somebody “so do something important in your life …..
Friday, May 8, 2009
Hamar Trip
We started program with abduction by which we became successes to catch attention or 300 students at the same time. After auction we had short introduction about our self and our work. Presentation about human trafficking in Nepal was another curious thing for them. It is quite new things for the students, so everyone was careful to listen about it. Finally we ended the program with a small Video.
After the school program, we became very happy when teacher and Representative came to us and told that program became very wonderful, it is our pleasure to hear from them, as the same time we visited leader of Hamer Red Cross youth and staffs of RC in office. We got warm welcome and very nice hospitable in the Hamer Red Cross.
As a whole, journey became very successful for us, it is our pleasure that small help of our can save the many innocent girls life from trafficking.
Active choice school visit
After the long preparation we came near to the course. It was really enthusiastic movement when we saw many youth interesting in active choice course. Course started with the ice breaker. It was fantastic by which we were able to catch the attention of impatience youth. They were so much curious about active choice.
In the first day we were in Kjellervoll and Sorumsand and took 6 classes at the same day. We all 3 active choice instructor and 5 volunteer were working for the program. We were very inspired when we got positive feedback from schools and much interest on students.
As a whole this active choice school visit program became very fruitful to all. 270 students were benefited by this visit, they became aware about there sexual health .
As we know that active choice is the one of the most popular activity of the Norwegian Red cross. Many youth are interested on this subject. it is also very good awareness activity by which they can learn many things related to their own sexual health.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Land of Snow !!
WOW !!!!
It was 28th of October when i saw snow in my home place , i became surprise seeing a lots snow around my apartment in the morning . A different kinds of happiness was coming from my heart, although i had seen snow in Nepal but i am not used to familiar with it ,
But i enjoy every movement struggling with snow and dark !! it is new experience for me so i loved it !!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Welcome by District
It was very nice time meeting with many staff of office .
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Danmark visit
In the occasion of Easter vacation i made my trip towards Denmark, it was very nice trip to Danmark by Ship.weather wrew so nice with sunny day. I found Denamrk different than Norway with a lots of flat farming area.
Denmark is really rich in Agriculture.Around 61% Danish agriculture produces foodstuffs sufficient for app. 15 million people, which is three times the population of Denmark. Wind power is very much emphasized in agriculture.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Prim minester visit with NRN,
Working with school students
Explaing about human trafficking with school students
Annual youth council assembly in Oslo

It was big arrangement of Norwegian Red Cross youth. Around 50 youth were involved in the program from different parts of Norway. it was fantastic weekend with many different activities .we youth delegate were responsible to make social activities we made different kinds of icebreakers and our own national fashion show in the same time .
We also made strategy for coming period in the same time , we learn many different practical things like how to make stand attractive.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Youth conference
During conference there were 2 courses for the participant First Aid and Communication work, I choose the communication work which became very fruitful for me i learn many things related to information and media.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Half journey
Yes, at first i hate the black strong coffee and the dark and hard bread it was really unusual for me , but latter on i started to drink that coffee adding some warm water. That dark and hard bread became the favorite one now !!!!!! so surprise
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Combine christnas party
It is my pleasure being with the whole staff of Sandivika and Kjeller. It was 8th of December , we all meet together and spent our whole days doing many interesting things. We decorate cups to the another staff of office as a Christmas gift. In the evening we had christmas dinner together and we had also song computation .
Paris visit

Paris is One of famous place for visit in the world . The first 'mass' attractions drawing international interest were, from 1855, One of Paris' first 'mass' attractions drawing international interest were, from 1855 .The Eiffel Tower, by far Paris' most famous monument, averages over 6 million visitors per year and more than 200 millions since its construction.
Disneyland Resort Paris is a major tourist attraction not only for visitors to Paris, but to Europe as well, with 12.4 million visitors in 2004.
Paris' museums and monuments are the another part of attraction for everyone. The city's most prized museum, the Louvre, sees over 8 million visitors each year, It may be surprise for visitor that they can visit more than 70 museums and monuments in Paris and in the Paris region.The Louvre is one of the largest and most famous museums, housing many works of art, including the Mona Lisa (La Joconde) and the Venus de Milo statue.
As a whole Paris is amazing !! very nice and historically very important place where we can see various historically importance things together.
Beautiful Lillehammer

I was tired little bit because of long voluntary work in Merket. but when i made my journey towards lillihammer i forget everything and completely fall in love with this place . One of the beautiful famous city of Norway, it is known as very nice and historically important place of Norway.We were there to visit our friends home . It is very famous in various means , i heard there was Olympic game in 1994. there is a high ski jump which is very famous, the biggest lake of Norway is also lies there . A part from this it is also known very cold place of the Norway with lots of snow.
A part from the beautiful place , we meet many nice people from Our friends family and Our contact person Henitteria`s family. we went to sliding and went to visit different places of Lillehammar .
we knew many things related to the Norwegian cultural and tradition. We also share many things about Nepal and our tradition .so it became very memorial time for us. I found Norwegian people very polite and helpful in various means