General Information about Sweden
Sweden is a one of beautiful country in Europe.
Sweden is in northern Europe and the capital is Stockholm. The Population is 9 million and in Stockholm 711,000 .The total area of Sweden is 450,000 sq. km (173,732 sq. mi).
Stockholm is a beautiful city with Lake Mälaren on its West Side and the Baltic Sea on its East Side. Sweden is a member of the European Union (EU). Sweden is called "The land of the midnight sun" or "The land of the Vikings".
Stockholm is surrounded by water and every year a water festival is held in August.
National Day: June 6.
The Swedish flag is based on the Scandinavian Cross design first adopted by Denmark about 800 years ago. The colors were taken from the Swedish coat of arms, which depicts three golden crowns on a blue background. Sweden is a monarchy. King Carl XVI Gustaf, who acceded to the throne in 1973.
Development aspect the country
The Swedish economy is heavily dependent on a highly developed and internationally successful industrial sector, which was established in the early part of the 20th century. There have been several structural reforms since Sweden became a member of the EU such as the deregulation of the telecommunications, energy and air traffic sectors.
Sweden is attracting numerous foreign investors, and Swedish companies are also large investors abroad. Sweden is the 16th largest recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI) worldwide. The main FDI business sectors are pharmaceuticals and chemicals, machinery and equipment, banking and finance, and energy.